My Projects

Daily DSA: A Next.js-Based Data Structures & Algorithms Platform
Daily DSA: A Next.js-Based Data Structures & Algorithms Platform

Built a Next.js DSA platform with SSR, Tailwind, and MUI, cutting load times by 25% and designed for 100+ concurrent users. Developed interactive, paginated listings for 150+ DSA questions using MUI Tables and category-based routing, increasing navigation efficiency by 40%. Architected a modular solution that cut maintenance overhead by 30% and standardized styling across 8 components. Enabled daily engagement via automated prompts, completion checkboxes, and structured problem sets, raising average session length by 20%.

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Real-Time Facial Detection System Using OpenCV : Python
Real-Time Facial Detection System Using OpenCV : Python

Built a Haar Cascade–based face recognition system with 95% accuracy and a 50ms response time on images and live video. Optimized image preprocessing and tuning parameters to trim latency by 30%, sustaining performance under changing lighting conditions. Enhanced user flow with bounding boxes, highlighting detected faces in real time for instant feedback.

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Hand Gesture Music Control : Python
Hand Gesture Music Control : Python

Engineered a computer vision–driven music control system, achieving 95% gesture accuracy and sub-200ms response times. Enabled real-time commands (pause/play) and cut track-switch latency from 1.2s to 850ms with open/closed-hand gestures. Facilitated intuitive track switching using thumb gestures for left and right navigation. Integrated OpenCV, Mediapipe, and Osascript to unify computer vision, hand tracking, and macOS scripting, creating a responsive user experience.

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